It’s always felt like a collaboration with you!

You balanced being responsive to my needs with keeping me challenged & motivated!

An Interview with Sarah


Q:  If you were to look back in time to when you first started working with me and you could tell yourself something, what is it that you know now that you did not know then?

A:  Be patient- there were times, particularly in the early days of our relationship, where it seemed like we were moving slow, focusing SO much on form, or taking small steps. Now I see the big payoff of that...seeing my body do things that I never thought possible in a safe way, like deadlifting my own body weight or pulling you across the gym floor on a set of weights (I forgot how many lbs!).

A:  Exercise can be fun! - I struggled with physical fitness my whole life and I think that's because no one ever took the time to help me explore what might be better suited for me. I struggled through PE classes and organized sports, often feeling awkward and embarrassed. I think this fed directly into the limitations I set on myself as an adult. Working with you has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and discover fitness activities I never knew existed. Doing that and succeeding (even if it takes me a few weeks to get the form down) has made working out much more fun and rewarding.


Q:  Why did you come to me and what did you get out of the experience of working with me? 

I made the decision to start working with you because I wanted to do more with what was available to me at the gym, and I knew I wouldn't do that on my own. If left to my own resources, my gym routine would consist of the treadmill and elliptical indefinitely because that was the extent of my comfort zone. I didn't know where to begin- which equipment to use and how to use it. But I knew that I wanted more variety, and I had kept hearing about the importance of strength training in addition to cardio. As with any new endeavor, it always helps to consult with an expert...and that's where you came in! You provided the knowledge, both of the equipment and the individual quirks of the human body, to design a plan that allowed me to meet my goals of greater variety in my routine, losing weight and getting stronger. In designing that plan you made an effort to understand a lot of the factors in my life that would impact my fitness goals, like nutrition and work schedule. It's always felt like a collaboration with you, and that you balance being responsive to my needs with keeping me challenged and motivated.

Sarah P.

Adjunct Professor

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences